Vocational Education and Training Course: Operating an Injection moulding machine
This course is intended to provide the knowledge and expetise needed to operate sucessfully and safely an Injection Moulding Machine. The knowledge and skills provided in this course should enable and qualify participants to find employment in this industry.
Course was developed by following partners:
www.abc-brizganja.si, www.tecos.si, www.bragi.si
Course consists of 6 videos, i.e.: Injection moulding machine overview, Clamping unit, Clamping unit concepts, Injection Unit, Supporting elements and Safety provisions. Participants are expected to read and follow carefully the information and instructions that appear on each slide of the video.
If the video content is displayed too fast, you can freely pause the video and resume it, when you are ready.
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Safety provisions
Za več informacij kontaktirajte mene ali partnerje, ki so sodelovali pri nastanku tega dela.
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